Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Overall Illusions.

Hello and welcome the the..


I will be learning about the 3 types of illusions in the span of a month.
Today I learned about the overall types of illusions and how scientist group all these illusions.

What are illusions

Illusions are tricks and games that tend to play with your ears, eyes, skin, and the brain.
For example: optical illusions mess with your eye and your brain.

Types of Illusions
Scientist group illusions into three types...

Optical illusions

These are illusions that trick the brain and the eyes. Brains tend to "edit" the things you see based on perception and past memory. So if there is a gap such as a shadow, your brain attempts to fill in the gap

Auditory Illusions

These illusions trick the ears and brain similar to the way they do with the eyes.

Tactile Illusion

These illusions are illusions that trick the sense of touch

Biblyography: ("Types of Illusions." Exploarble. N.P, Web. 27 May 2015. <>.)

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