Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Spinning Dancer Illusion

Hello and welcome back to the......

Today i'm going to talk about optical illusions (Illusions that mess with your eyes and your brain)!!

The Spinning Dancer Illusion

If you click on the text above it will take you to a picture of a lady spinning. The question is..... Which way is she spinning?!?!?!

Some people see it spinning left to right some people see it spinning right to left. This depends on your perception and which side of your brain is dominant.

But this is still an optical illusion.

In the picture there is no 3rd dimension so your brain attempts to fill in the gaps or edit the picture. as I said before..
As a result their is 2 different perceptions. for your brain to choose.

If you were to stare at the picture long enough, you might blink and see the dancer spin in the opposite direction

Here, let me help you
In the link above the creator has drawn different colours so you see different perceptions!

Post which way you see the spinner spinning in the comments!

GAMS1981. Optical Illusions What Way Is The Girl Spinning?. 2010. Youtube. Web. 28 May 2015. <>.

Kahayara, Nobuyuki. Spinning Dancer Illusion. 2010. Google. Web. 28 May 2015. <>.

Cherry, Kendra. "The Spinning Dancer Illusion." About Education. Web. 28 May 2015. <>.

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