Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Aristole Illusion

Hello and welcome back to the


Where we talk about cool illusions!

The Aristotle Illusion

If you cross your fingers and touch your nose, you will feel a cool sensation like you are touching 2 noses!!! DUN DUN DUNNN

"Tactile illusions 1: The Aristotle illusion." New Scientist Life. N.P, 12 Mar. 2009. Web. 3 June 2015. <>.
Aristole Illusion. Web. 3 June 2015. <>.

Monday, June 1, 2015

The Shepard Tone

Hello and welcome back to the

where I talk about cool illusions and how the work!!!

The Shepard Tone
Listen to this auditory illusion

You probably heard the a tone rising continuously forever and forever.

What if I told you the sound was not rising at all??????
This is called the Shepherd Tone

How This Works
The Shepherd Tone was invented by a man named Roger Shepherd. The notes of the song are strategically placed and made so that our ears don't hear the notes drop but continuously hear the rising part of the song. As a result we end up with what seems to be a "forever rising tone"! 

Another Illusion which you can say is the visual version of the Shepherd tone is the Penrose stairs. Instead of the notes rising the stairs rise and just like the Penrose illusion, it is carefully drawn so that your eyes do not notice where the stairs drop.

"Penrose Stairs." Wikipedia. N.P, 2015. Web. 1 Jan. 2015. <>.

"Shepard Tone." Wikipedia. N.P, 2015. Web. 1 Jan. 2015. <>.

Audio Illusion - Forever Rising Melody (Shepard Tone). Dir. ScarScape. 25 Web. 1 Oct. 2009. 